Elon Musk’s jaw hit the floor when one Democrat slandered him with a shocking attack

Steve Jurvetson, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Elon Musk might only be behind Donald Trump on the Democrats’ enemies list.

The hit pieces aimed at him get more ridiculous by the day.

And Elon Musk’s jaw hit the floor when one Democrat slandered him with a shocking attack.

Musk’s American loyalty questioned

Democrats have become the party of open borders.

Anyone who wants to roll back illegal immigration gets accused of being racist or xenophobic.

However, all of this goes out the window when the topic comes to Elon Musk.

All of a sudden, Democrats start using blood-and-soil arguments.

For example, Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) questioned Musk’s loyalty to the country in a shocking speech.

Kaptur said, “Mr. Musk has just been here 22 years, and he is a citizen of three countries. I always ask myself the question, with the damage he’s doing here, when push comes to shove, which country is he [loyal] to: South Africa, Canada, or the United States? And he’s only been a citizen—I’ll say again—22 years.”

Democrats’ insane views on immigration

According to Kaptur, Musk has “only” been a citizen for 22 years.

Meanwhile, they’re fighting to keep illegal alien criminals in the country.

That should lay bare the entire ideology of the Left.

Illegal aliens are simply political pawns. 

They don’t care about the slogans they always spout such as “We’re a nation of immigrants” or “That’s not who we are.”

When it comes to Musk, he’s not a “real” American because he has “only” been here 22 years.

The ultra-nativist language aimed at Musk exposes the Democrats’ entire narrative about immigration.

If a Republican member of Congress said what Kaptur said, he or she would be censured.

Senator Bernie Moreno (R-OH) responded, “Just like Elon Musk, I immigrated LEGALLY and pledged my full loyalty to America. . .But Democrats just see us as cheap labor who pick their crops and mow their lawns. If you step out of line & question their liberal narrative, they say you don’t belong here. It’s disgusting.”

The White House rapid response account replied, “Marcy Kaptur is now questioning the loyalty of American citizens. This is a new low.”

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Mike Marinella told Fox News, “Marcy Kaptur’s disgusting remark questioning Elon Musk’s loyalty based on his immigrant background exposes the Democrat Party’s descent into nativist rhetoric — the very thing they claim to oppose. . .Their hypocrisy is clear: they champion open borders when it benefits them but resort to xenophobic attacks when an immigrant doesn’t align with their political agenda.”

Even liberals were taken aback by Kaptur’s words.

Punchbowl News founder Jake Sherman commented, “This is a new tone for House Democrats…..”

These are the same Democrats who call it “cruel” for illegal aliens, even those with criminal backgrounds, to be deported.

So Musk, who has been here 22 years and built companies that employ Americans, has to “go back to Africa.”

But illegal aliens who have been deported multiple times must be protected at all costs.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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