Bill Clinton made one shocking confession about Biden and Harris’ insane immigration plan

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

The Democrats dusted off Bill Clinton to campaign for Kamala Harris.

But he has lost a lot of his charm.

And Clinton made one shocking confession about Biden and Harris’ insane immigration plan.

Clinton reveals the establishment’s psychotic view of illegal immigration

Kamala Harris is a San Francisco leftist who’s trying to convince Americans that she’s simply a moderate.

Nobody is buying her act, which is why she has lost ground to Donald Trump in the polls.

The issue where Harris, Joe Biden, and the entire Democrat Party have become wildly radical is immigration.

They have essentially become the open borders party.

The American people despise that idea, so Harris has tried to present herself as a border hawk all of a sudden.

She even cut a campaign ad where she toured Trump’s border wall and called for increased security.

Of course, nobody believes she’s actually tough on the border, so she has no choice but to lie through her teeth.

And former President Bill Clinton lied on her behalf as well.

During a campaign event, Clinton tried to sell the idea that it was actually Trump who was weak on the border.

Clinton said, “You got a case in Georgia not very long ago, didn’t you? They made an ad about it, about a young woman who had been killed by an immigrant. Yeah, well, if they had all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened. But if they’re all properly vetted, that doesn’t happen.”

Clinton referenced the harrowing tale of nursing student Laken Riley, who was killed by an illegal alien from Venezuela on the University of Georgia campus.

Clinton tried to blame Trump, but the killer had been let into the country in September 2022, under the purview of the Biden-Harris administration.

But Clinton made another confession during his remarks that gave away the whole game.

He said that birthrates in the United States are down, therefore the country needs to import workers.

Clinton said, “And America is not having enough babies to keep our populations up. So we need immigrants that have been vetted to do work.”

Societal collapse

It is true that birthrates are below replacement levels, but while Democrats—and establishment Republicans—are importing cheap labor, they are also writing think pieces about how it’s immoral to have children.

Just recently, The Los Angeles Times published a piece titled, “It’s almost shameful to want to have children.”

That is the view of the left-wing intelligentsia.

Having kids is bad, and also millions of people must be imported into the country.

The cherry on top is that leftists also believe that American culture is bad, “woke” academics and K-12 teachers are telling immigrants to hate the country they’re entering.

So don’t have children, import millions of illegal aliens, and teach them to hate America.

This is a suicidal worldview.

Unfortunately, establishment Republicans have gone along with it because they love the imported cheap labor too much.

Trump called foul on the broken immigration system, and that’s one of the main reasons why he is hated so much by the Washington, D.C., Swamp.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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