Tim Walz learned the grim news that his links to an American enemy’s agenda could take him off the ticket

Office of Governor Walz & Lt. Governor Flanagan, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris swung to her Left with her choice of running mate.

Tim Walz is the most radical pick Harris could have made.

And now Walz has just learned the grim news that a journalist uncovered the links to an American enemy’s agenda that could take him off the ticket.

Walz picking looking worse and worse

Kamala Harris’ selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate on the Democrat ticket threw many people for a loop.

Harris had the chance to pick candidates from key swing states like Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) or Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, who has a 61% approval rating in his state.

Harris, however, doubled down on her own radical track record by going with Walz, a self-described “progressive.”

Walz does not even run away from the label of socialist.

He said during an interview, “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

On top of that, Walz seems to have an affinity for Communist China.

He taught in China, went there for his honeymoon, and bizarrely—and intentionally—chose the five-year anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre to be his wedding day.

Walz’s wife Gwen explained, “He wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.”

And as Governor of Minnesota, Walz seemed indifferent to the idea of the Chinese Communist Party operating secret police stations in his state.

CCP secret police stations

The CCP has allegedly been running 102 secret police stations in 53 different countries, including the United States.

The Associated Press broke the story of NYPD officers arresting two men operating a secret police station in New York.

Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer explained, “What happens is they will literally go around and visit people and say, ‘Hey, you know you need to shut up. You need to stop talking about this. You need to stop being so critical of the government.’”

Some Chinese nationals living abroad have allegedly been spirited away and taken back to China.

Schweizer continued, “And there actually have been at least half a dozen documented cases where these networks have actually been involved in abducting people, that is, Chinese that are living in the United States, abducting them and sending them back to mainland China.”

Schweizer said that one alleged CCP outpost in the Twin Cities is “tied to a group called Minnesota Global, which is a Tim Walz organization.”

“Now Tim Walz in 2020 and since 2020 has talked ad nauseam about the abuse by the police, the Twin Cities police, the local Minneapolis Police, about their terrible behavior with regards to how they arrest people,” Schweizer added.

Walz sat on his hands and allowed Black Lives Matter terrorists to burn down the biggest city in his state before finally sending in the National Guard.

Schweizer continued, “I have not found one criticism that Tim Walz has had of this Chinese secret police station that’s operating in the Twin Cities. So again, you have to wonder, why is there this disconnect? . . . Why are you so critical and brutal on your own country, but you won’t do a scintilla of the same thing as it regards to China?”

The international Left have become enamored with the CCP model of governance.

Both Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have expressed envy over the CCP’s ability to get things done without pushback.

Schweizer stated, “You just have to wonder why the governor is not doing anything about it, why he hasn’t called them out, why he hasn’t said stop doing this, because they’re harassing people in his state.”

The author noted that Walz does not seem to be profiting from the CCP, so his silence on the issues is inexplicable.

Schweizer concluded, “There’s no evidence that he made oodles of money doing this. . .You know, I think the only thing you can say is it’s either some sort of philosophical attraction to certain elements of left wing totalitarians, or, you know, to put it in the way I used to say in middle school, is wimpy behavior.”

Harris and her team clearly did not vet Governor Walz properly.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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