Kamala Harris got one endorsement that will have you seeing red

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Kamala Harris got a “big” endorsement from pop star Taylor Swift.

And polls showed that nobody cared.

But Harris got one endorsement that will have you seeing red.

The IRS loves Kamala

It’s one thing when a pop singer like Taylor Swift announces her support for Kamala Harris.

But it’s another thing entirely when IRS agents endorse Harris for President.

The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), which represents the IRS and various other federal agencies, came out for Harris.

It’s quite chilling when federal employees, particularly ones who are in charge of taxing Americans, are endorsing a political candidate for President.

This is a classic example of how the Executive Branch has been weaponized.

The Washington, D.C. Swamp will do anything to fight outsiders like Donald Trump.

NTEU President Doreen Greenwald said in a statement, “When it comes to treating federal employees with respect, valuing their service and investing in their work, Kamala Harris is the clear choice. . .She shares our values and our commitment to making sure that the federal government works for all Americans. She has been a strong advocate for the issues that matter most to federal employees: fair pay, paid family leave, adequate agency funding and staffing, and robust collective bargaining rights.”

Public sector unions are not bargaining against a company owner; they are bargaining against the taxpayer, which corrupts any negotiation.

Greenwald added, “Kamala Harris has a long career in public service, which has given her a keen understanding of how the skilled civil servants who perform the day-to-day work of government are vital to our democracy. . .She is a powerful voice for workers and their unions, recognizing that taxpayers are better served when the federal workforce is organized and empowered to help agencies meet their important public service missions.”

It’s clear why the IRS prefers Harris.

The Biden-Harris administration’s so-called Inflation Reduction Act included increased spending for the IRS.

Republican former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz wrote in a Fox News op-ed, “Now, the Biden-Harris administration’s 2025 budget proposal calls for an additional $104 billion for the IRS. That’s eight times the annual budget, just two years after Congress appropriated an amount that was seven times the agency’s annual budget. What is going on here?”

The IRS is being beefed up, likely to go after Americans more aggressively.

The agency came under fire for a 2022 job posting that called for hirees to be prepared to use “deadly force” on Americans.

Biden said that the supercharged IRS was necessary to go after “the rich,” but the IRS put out a promotional video that had agents going after small business owners.

Harris lining up terrifying endorsements

Harris’ political endorsements have raised red flags for many voters.

All of the worst people and groups seem to be lining up behind her.

And she is welcoming them with open arms.

She has repeatedly touted the endorsement of Dick and Liz Cheney.

Harris is apparently unaware that the Cheney name is mud with everyday Republicans, as evidenced by Liz Cheney’s crushing loss in her Wyoming Primary race.

She was reduced to begging Democrats to support her.

Although, the Cheneys are still believed by the Military Industrial Complex.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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